For some reason, Ember.js has not gained a foothold in the .NET development space. It’s a shame, really. Ember is the ideal client-side framework for modern web applications and after crossing the initial hurdles marrying Ember.js conventions with those of ASP.NET Web AP, it is downright enjoyable to build responsive and fluid web applications that will necessarily scale smoothly as the app grows and the people touching the code-base grows with it.
This is because Ember has been designed from the ground up to be a “framework” for ambitious client-side web applications. That’s unlike Angular. Or React. Or Backbone. Or Knockout.
Angular | Ember |
2-way data binding | 2-way data binding |
Flexible | Convention-over-config |
Easy to start | A bit of a learning curve |
Plain HTML templates | Handlebars templates |
Directives 4 custom tags | Components 4 custom tags |
API changes dramatically | API changes incrementally |
Weak routing | Robust routing |
Angular | Ember |
Allows logic in templates via “expressions” | No logic allowed in templates |
Inheritance and mixins | |
HTML-based template | |
Plain HTML templates | Handlebars templates |
Uses POJO | Uses Emberized objects |
Needs to scan DOM to detect property changes | Uses observers to instantly detect property changes |
Roll your own toolset | Ember-CLI |
Rails CLI | Ember CI |
rails new app | ember new app |
rails generate stuff | ember generate stuff |
rails server | ember server |
Ember and large projects
Conventions work wonders
Large codebases more manageable
New developers up to speed faster
No dirty-checking === scales better
Easier to fall in the pit of success
Harder to write spaghetti code
Did I mention conventions?
Angular | Ember |
Doing it wrong is easy | Doing it right is easy |
Conventions thru code reviews and hope |
Conventions through the framework |
More boilerplate code | Does the boring stuff 4 you |
Trivial to get started but messy for large apps | Harder to start but easier to grow app |